desired appearance refers in some points clearly to the original use of
the Jack Russell terrier
as a hunting dog. Thus, the reason for the required predominately white
colour must have been the need of distinction the dog from the hunted
animal. It would be regrettable if the hunter were to shoot his own dog
instead of the hunted game. Most of the interested buyers seem to prefer
Jack Russell terriers with more colour, but at shows the
"whites" win leaving the breeder with a conflict. In this point
as well, supply will influence demand. We feel that since the Jack Russell
terrier is not primarily used for hunting but as a family dog today, he
can well have a bit more colour, especially since pure-white dogs are
prone to have some undesired innate characteristics.
So that a Jack Russell terrier does not
become stuck in a foxhole, his chest must not be bigger than that of a fox. It should be possible to encompass it with two average-sized
This is a reasonable consideration. But why should a docked tail be more
suitable to pull a dog out of a den than a longer, undocked one? This
defies logic. We suppose this is a compromise docking the tail to
prevent injuries but leaving it long enough to be able to pull it out of a
den if necessary. In any case, those who do not hunt will probably never
understand the reasons for docked tails. In Switzerland, the docking of
tails has been prohibited since 1997.
To accompany a mounted hunter demanded
enormous running ability of the Jack Russell terrier as well as tenacity.
While the long-legged types had to run along side the rider, the
short-legged dogs were taken in the saddle to the site of the hunt. This
is why two types of larger and smaller Jack Russell terriers emerged. It
is also the only breed for which the standard sets an ideal height but no
maximum height. In all likelihood, there will be a trend toward a larger
Jack Russell terrier since it is much more difficult to breed a
well-proportioned smaller dog.
Text: Dr. J. Willi,